


Pet Name: Dakota
Pet Kind or Specie: Bat-eared fox or African wild dog
Date Introduced: 9th November 2007 - Ice Fairy Account Upgrade
Description: The Dakota is a Limited Edition African wild dog Marapet. It's possible to earn them via an account upgradepet trade, auction, or Dakota maker (potion, essence, etc). It is best known for its role as the Simerian Explorer. It was last released in the September 2018 Pixel AU and it can be re-released at any time. It was given a revamp on 22nd December 2016, making its small neck and big head more defined.

Marapets Description: Dakotas like nothing more than things to chase! A friendly pet who is known to jump out of bushes shouting boo!

For a list of costumes available for this pet, go here.

Dakota (No. 46)

Dakotas around Marada

Dakotas featured around the site: Simerian Explorer, School Supplies Shopkeeper, Seven Heaven, Seeds Shopkeeper, Hospice, Treasure Maps Shopkeeper, Penitentiary and others...

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