
Pronunciation: Cry-Key
Design Inspiration(s): Crocodile
Date Introduced: 26th July 2009; released on 4th November 2009 (No. 57)
Description: The Crikey is a Limited Edition crocodile pet that is available from completing the Hospice's mission on Minipet Island. The species is also known for its finance and business endeavors at the Stock Market and Freelance Agency.

Revamp: The Crikey's first design appeared rather thin, but on 29th January 2017, they were given more robust builds, like their real-life counterparts. Also, compared to earlier art still on the site (as of October 2023), they now have more developed necks.

Official Description: Crikeys are excellent at fishing and are known to catch fish more than double their size in their strong jaws.

Trivia: Its name is derived from the Commonwealth interjection that was especially used by the late naturalist Steve Irwin, who is best known for his wildlife documentary TV series The Crocodile Hunter.

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List of Costumes[]

Below are all possible colors for the Crikey. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

DNA Minipets[]

Below are all possible DNA Minipets for the Crikey.

Crikeys around Marada[]

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