
Pronunciation: Feh-liz
Design Inspiration(s): Bear
Date Introduced: Prehistoric
Description: The Feliz is a standard, affectionate bear pet that is well known for having many jobs around Marada; from selling Costumes to eager Maradans in the Costume Boutique to teaching pets to fight, caring for Minipets, selling the latest news, and handling the mail at the Stamps Shop, these bears are some of the busiest pets in Marada!

Revamp: With a redraw on 14th January 2017, the Feliz's rotund appearance came in full force.

Official Description: These cuddly bears like nothing better than a soft bed and a hot honey drink to curl up with.

Trivia: The Feliz and Azul's names were inspired by Ian's trip to Portugal.

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List of Costumes[]

Below are all possible colors for the Feliz. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

DNA Minipets[]

Below are all possible DNA Minipets for the Feliz.

Feliz around Marada[]

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