
Whilst surfing the forums, you may come across a strange and unintelligible language consisting of seemingly random letters and symbols. These are the hallmarks of chatspeak. This guide is intended to help you figure out what on earth people are saying. (This Chatspeak Guide is only intended to cover non-Marapet-specific terms, Marapet terms are covered in the Glossary page).

Chatspeak Guide:[]


Love, as in "I <3 cheese toasties, they're just so tasty!"

1337 speak[]

1337 speak (leet, or elite) is a way of writing words online. Basically, 1337 speak makes minimal use of proper letters in words, instead replacing them with numbers and symbols. 1337 speak also tends to be very poorly spelled and has bad grammar. An example would be "0MFG D00D /\Ü571N 15 T3H l_l83Я 1337 Я0XX0ЯZ", which translates as "OMG, dude, Austin is the über-elite rocks-er!", or, in plain English, "Austin rocks!"[1]

1337 speak is a particularly irritating way of typing, and many people seem to have a real dislike for it. You are most likely to come across 1337 speak in the SPAM Forum.


About, as in "What is all this Undying Festival talk abt?"


At the moment, as in "I'll do the trade later, I'm busy atm"


Because, as in "I only portalled your chibs bc you didn't say not to!"


Boyfriend (see gf).


Best friend forever, as in: "OMG, thanks for the angel chibs, you're my bff!"

Chibs angel (1)


By the way, as in "btw, you still need to return my pet"


Can't be asked/bothered, as in "My dad asked me to wash the dishes, but I cba"


Die in a fire. Used when you hate something, and wish to express your desire to see it destroyed, as in "Random Chat needs to diaf"


A vulgar version of the phrase "for goodness sake", as in "I wish people would stop mailing me to vote for them ffs"

This phrase is only usable on Adult Forums; its use anywhere else is against the rules, even in chatspeak.


For my life. Means "honestly", as in "I met the president once, fml"


For the record, as in "ftr, I never scammed anyone, so stop accusing me"


For the win. Used to say something is awesome, as in "Jam doughnuts ftw!"


For your information, as in "Oh, and fyi, it wasn't me who told on you, it was Sally"


Get a life, as in "Miley Cyrus fans need to gal"


Girlfriend (see bf).


Good luck, as in "'GL with your exam next week!" Also, glt for "good luck trading",


Got to go, as in "Well, that's lunch break over, gtg"


I don't care, as in "Seriously, idc if you really want the avatar, I'm not voting for you"



I don't get it, as in "My friend has been ignoring me all week, idgi"


I don't know (or, if you're Scottish, I dinnae ken).


I know right, as in:

Person 1 "People keep sending me begging mails for my pet"

Person 2 "IKR, it's sooooo annoying!"


In my opinion, as in "Oasis were the best British band of the 90s imo". Sometimes lengthened to imho, meaning "in my honest opinion".

jk (or j/k)[]

This means "just kidding/joking", as in "If you tell me the answer, I'll give you my dad's car! jk"


Just wondering.


Let's be honest. Used to put emphasis or great importance on whatever you are saying at that particular moment, as in "Lbh, any revamp of a pet is an improvement." [1]


Laughing my a** off/Rolling on the floor laughing. Frequently combined to create "ROFLMAO" (Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off).


Laugh out loud. There can't be many internet users who don't understand this term. Still, there are still some who will occasionally look blankly and uncomprehendingly at this word. Lol has been used in the past to mean "Lots of Love", but this isn't really commonplace anymore. It is very important to be careful if you wish to use the latter meaning, as messages such as "I'm sorry to hear your cat has died, lol", can be taken in a very different way!

Sometimes people will lengthen lol to lololol, loooool, lulz or a similar variation.


Meh has two distinct meanings. One means "me". The other is defined as: "Indifference; to be used when one simply does not care" or "bare-bones and lackluster". Meh perhaps comes from the Yiddish term מע‎ (me, “so-so”) and popularized by The Simpsons.[2]


An alternative spelling of more. Popularized by the Moar Krabs internet meme. See also: nao.


An alternative spelling of now. See also: moar.


No big deal, as in "My mum took £5 from my wallet without asking first. It's nbd, but I'd rather she'd asked"


A shorter version of the word "newbie". A newbie is a person who is new to a game, so hasn't necessarily learned how do do some of the more basic things which you may take for granted (such as restocking). Some people view "n00bs" as being beneath them, so may be very rude toward them. However, any decent player will treat a newbie as just another player, who may need a little more help. Remember, everyone was once a newbie, without exception!

Rusty geek (1)

"Some people make a distinction between a noob and a newb, with a "newb" being a level-headed beginner who is polite, heeds advice, and honestly wishes to improve, while a noob is obnoxious, annoying, and overconfident. In other words, everyone starts as a newb — you're only a Noob if you don't grow out of it." - tvtropes


Not gonna lie, as in "ngl, that cake was amaaazing!"


No thank you, as in:

Person 1 "Trade my badly-named yellow addow for your statted angel chibs?"

Person 2 "nty"


Of course, as in "I wanted to go to spring break with my friends, but ofc my mom had different ideas"


Oh my God/gosh. As in "OMG, I can't believe you just called me that!"

Sometimes people will change it to the somewhat less polite OMFG.


Oh really? Often followed by the response "ya rly" (yes, really), as in:

Person 1 "I love Doritos, I could eat them all day."

Person 2 "Orly?"

Person 1 "Ya rly."


Pain in the a**, as in "My brother is being a real pita"

It is also a flat bread of Mediterranean origin. [2]




Peeing myself laughing. Used when something is exceptionally funny.


People, as in "You know, some ppl need to get a life"


This means "I love you" in dinosaur.




Serious/seriously, as in "srsly, someone needs to slap some sense into that guy"


Shut the heck/hell up. Also spelled stfu.


To be honest, as in "I hardly ever use chatspeak tbh"


An alternative spelling of "the".


That feel when, as in "Tfw you see a new account upgrade".


Thank god it's Friday, as in "School has been terrible this week, tgif"


"Too long; didn't read". This is often a reply given to people who have made a very long forum post. Many people dislike reading anything more than a couple of sentences. This doesn't mean you shouldn't make long posts!


Too much information. People typically don't want to know if you've just been to the toilet, or hear about your fungal nail infection, so telling them about it will usually get you this response.


Totally, as in "Yeah, I ttly would trade you my Chibs for your Ercuw"


Thank you very much, as in "Actually, I did very well in my exams, tyvm"

Mordo school


Whatever (pretty straightforward really!)


What the heck/hell". As for wtf, we'll let you work that one out!


What are you up to/what have you been up to, as in "Hey, wuu2" and "Yo man, been a while since I've seen you, wubu2?"

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