
Pronunciation: Nooth
Design Inspiration(s): Banded penguin (i.e, Magellanic or African penguin)
Date Introduced: Prehistoric
Description: The Newth is a standard penguin pet that is often blamed for the mishaps and subject to many humorous remarks in the news as the "Maintenance Newths". More Newths are featured in the Medicine Shop, Fishing, Antique Shop, and Newth Racing.

Revamps: The Newth was redrawn on three separate dates: 18th October 2005, 11th April 2011, and 15th January 2017. The second and third iterations had a Pingu-like appearance in different, vibrant colours. The fourth and final one makes the Newth resemble a real-life banded penguin, with bright and dark feathers, webbed feet, and a cheery smile. It is also in a pose similar to its Chinese form.

Official Description: Newths love the water and fish. They can often be found balancing flubs on the ends of their nose and catching them in their mouths in one gulp. However, the Newth's hidden agenda is to take over Marada.

Trivia: Their hidden agenda may be a reference to the belief that some penguins are evil. This is further supported by the mask-like markings they have around their eyes, which give them the appearance of a burglar - especially in their Prison form.

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List of Costumes[]

Below are all possible colors for the Newth. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

DNA Minipets[]

Below are all possible DNA Minipets for the Newth. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Newths in the News & around Marada[]

Newths have been the subject of fun remarks since Marapets' opening! Newth in the News SuperheroNewths OldNewthShenanigans MoreNewthShenanigans

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