


Pet Name: Ike
Pet Kind or Specie: Pterodactyl
Date Introduced: 20th May 2009
Description: The Ike is a Limited Edition pterodactyl pet. You can gain one from completing Hector's mission[3] in Simeria, or by buying a potion, essence or enchanted plushie from someone. It was revamped on 15th January 2017, going from a standing position to a gliding one.

For a list of ALL costumes available for this pet, go here.

Official Description: Ike live in the mountains and swoop into the deserts to pick up prey. Hide your Gizmos!

Pronounced Eye-ck

Trivia: If you search for Ike in the News, this message will pop up: Please be more specific with your Search

Ike (No. 56)

Ikes around Marada

Ikes featured around the site: Candle Shopkeeper, Bill Ike the Science Guy and others...

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