


Pet Name: Paffuto
Pet Kind or Species: Barracuda
Date Introduced: Perhaps on the site's opening date Aug 15th 2004.
Description: A Paffuto is a standard barracuda-like Marapet. You can create one at any time. The Paffuto pet had been revamped on 23rd September 2013 as it was the least popular pet and in the most need for a redraw. For a list of ALL costumes available for this pet, go here.

Pronounced Puh-foo-toe

Marapets Description: A relative of the goldfish, these pets love swimming around in circles. Please do not worry if your Paffuto is upside down in its tank, it just got dizzy!

Paffuto (No. ??)

Paffutos around Marada

Paffutos featured around the site:


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