


Pet Name: Renat
Pet Kind or Specie: Frog/Toad
Date Introduced: 25th November 2006

Description: The Renat is a frog marapet first introduced in November 2006. It is not limited edition, so it may be created any time. The Voodoo Dolls shop in Eleka Castle is owned by an Eleka Renat. For a list of costumes available for this pet, go here.

Marapets Description: These little frogs are known to love jumping from great heights and landing suddenly on Maradans heads as they go past. They think it is easier to get a lift than walking!

Renat (No. 37)

Renats around Marada

Renats featured around the site: Voodoo Dolls Shop [1], Ugly Contest [2] and others...

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