
The Sad (previously Emo), Burnt, Injured, Hobo, Tornado, and Prison Costumes are from the Costume Boutique, completing the Volcano Treasure Map, the Ant Hill, February 2006 (along with the Fairy Costume), May 2017 Account Upgrades (replacing the Vortex Costume from January 2009), and 2011 Facebook Contest/releasing a pet from Prison for for 2,500MP after doing any of the following: getting caught Grave Robbing; overusing Illegal Concoctions; refusing/forgetting to pay the Power Station's electricity bill; or collecting job wages for a Thief or Hacker.

Potions Boutique Costs[]


Costume Burnt

Burnt Costume; R42

Burnt pets appear sad and charred, being based on the burnt theme of the Volcano Treasure Map prizes.

The Depressed Pets!

Below are all possible Burnt pets. Hit "Expand" to see every one!


Costume hobo

Hobo Costume


Fake Hobo Costume: Homeless Fairy

Hobo pets have unkempt, grey fur, torn/stained clothes, and either beggar's cans or bindles.

Below are all possible Hobo pets. Hit "Expand" to see every one!


Costume injured

Injured Costume; R30

Injured pets are wrapped with bandages, wounds, casts, black eyes, and crutches. There are especially common after crossing some killer antsstorms, ruthless leaders, or robber ducks.

Below are all possible Injured pets. Hit "Expand" to see every one!


Costume prison

Prison Costume; R45

Prison pets are grey with black and white stripes (hat and/or mask may be included), balls and chains, some scars, and may look sad, mischievous, or angry. Others though, still retain their default happy expressions, making their appearances unintentionally humourous.

Below are all possible Prison pets. Hit "Expand" to see every one!



Costume emo

Sad Costume; R25

Sad pets are mostly grey across their designs and sulking with drooping hair/antennae, ears, and tail.

Below are all possible Sad pets. Hit "Expand" to see every one!



Tornado Costume


Fake Tornado Costume: Griffin

Tornado pets have twister tails, dust clouds, and rapid rain (as a form of storm); they also tie into Vortex Park's tornado.

Below are all possible Tornado pets. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

Dejected Avatars


Look up your Prison pet when they have been imprisoned at least 25 times.


Release your Feliz pet from Prison.


Use a Hobo Costume.


Purchase a Sad Costume from the Costume Boutique.


Use an Injured Costume.

Tornado costume

Use a Tornado Costume.


Complete the Volcano Treasure Map.

Ball of Prison Yarn


Ball of Prison Yarn; R20

The Ball of Prison Yarn is obtainable from Level 47 of the City of Marada Goals.

Below are all possible Prison minipets. Hit "Expand" to see every one!

The City's Grey Catalogs[]

The Decrepit Catalog

Imprisoned Items

The Sad-alog

Notable Recession-Era Characters[]

See also[]
