

Your Personal Stamp Album!

Stamp Album: Updated on 30th April 2006 and 5th August 2014

Marapets Description: Your stamp album holds your Stamp Collection. You can buy items for this collection from the Stamps Shop, an Account Upgrade Set, special shop, or as a prize from many other places on the site. Each page has many different worlds and places in which to collect a new set of stamps. Finishing a page in your stamp album can be rewarding as there are trophies, prizes and other hidden things you can get from completing them. The Daylight Fairy rewards you for this collection, Hector the Collector asks for stamps in your collection, and the Transvaluation Temple rewards you with a missing stamp of your choice upon completion. Here is a Stamps Guide. You can also View all Stamps.

More Information: The Missing Stamps List is FREE and does not require a Giftbox.


Completed Page Prizes[]

Other related things to Stamp Album[]



You will receive the Pixie avatar from having a Pixie Snookle Stamp (below) in your Stamp Album and viewing the Candyland page of your collection.

Stamp pixiesnookle

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