  • Once exclusive to the citizens of Jenoa, the mermaid style became more accessible once this costume was revamped.
  • Characterized by spots skillfully painted in the likeness of leopards, this style has its fair share of fans.
  • The Safari pets that arrived in Marada gave others a chance to participate in the local tradition of Safari Challenges, and winning fun prizes for doing so.
  • Fans looking for new ways to show their support for their favorite pets were pleasantly surprised by the release of these plushies.
  • Chippy has recently begun asking Maradans for help. In return, he gives Toy Block items you cannot get anywhere else.
  • What's more, the prize pools are updated regularly to avoid depreciation.
  • The lavish Baspinar Castle now comes to life with castle flags swaying in the wind and the smoke from the campfire rising in the air.
  • The updated art for Jenoa retains the charm of the original design, while enhancing the overall look with a larger map and greater attention to details.
  • The release of the Magic Carpet caused a furor as the missions are almost impossible to complete (even in the early levels) for those without deep pockets.
  • Plenty of revamped colors this year! However, the latter half offered basic posed-pets that didn't excite players [much], so they felt they were better suited as semi-redesigns.